Orbis Institute (Slovakia) is a non-government non-profit organization focused on the education and development of one’s personality. It helps individuals to find new sources for their further personal growth and understanding of their role in society. The institute’s goal is to facilitate for its members and participants the skill development in the field of communication, leadership, and teamwork and also encourages them in creativity, volunteering, critical thinking, and other skills required by the labor market.

Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Misericordia (Spain) Vocational education high school (Valencia, Spain) is a state center depending on the Valencia Ministry of Education. CIPFPM is the biggest vocational high school in the region with almost 3,000 students and 185 full-time teachers. Pupils can study vocational studies of the following professional branches: Business administration, Secretarial studies, Commerce, Marketing, Electronics, and Socio-cultural services.

Método Estudios Consultores SLU (Spain) is a Spanish-based international consulting company focused on advanced services in training, social-labor research, technology, and social projects with 18 years of experience. Currently, Método’s team reunites the best experts in the field, with specialists who have an important contribution in building the long-term success of the company’s clients by adding their know-how in the developed projects.

Social Cooperative Enterprise of Cyclades- Altera Vita (Greece) In Koin.S.Ep. Cyclades – ALTERA VITA, we participate as active citizens, who are active in the social affairs of the Cyclades through collective actions through local networks that have been developed, through our positions of responsibility we have in these processes.
ALTERA VITA is a scientific research centre that implements education and awareness programs, working with volunteers in the areas of Environment and Culture and Social Intervention programs at the community level. ALTERA VITA provides training to specialists who offer services in mental health and other health professionals, educators, managers etc., as well as parents and couples.

The Active XXI Foundation is a non-governmental organization operating since 2010. It was established to support the creative development of children, adolescents, adults and seniors. We run Jeleniogórska Academy of the Third Age – the longest operating Open University in Jelenia Góra. It is very important for us to stay in touch with European societies and cooperate with international entities, which has resulted in numerous projects under the Grundvig and Erasmus + programs. We can also boast of successfully conducted activities for the disabled and people at risk of social exclusion as part of local and national projects.
Our mission is: We value differences through lifelong learning.

STEPS: Through complete suggestions and targeted actions, we pursue to give answers to problems that our fellow citizens, that live as outsiders, have to deal with and that experience social exclusion, with the goal for them to become self-dependent and self-reliant. We become their voice when it’s needed, claiming rights that should be self-evident for every human being.
We come across two types of people on the streets:
Street Connected Adults (homeless, unemployed that live below the poverty line, people who use drugs, immigrants, refugees, human trafficking victims, sex workers etc)/
Street Connected Children (unaccompanied minors, working children, human trafficking victims etc).

Orbis Institute, O.Z.
Bajkalská 29 / E
821 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Contact: info@orbisinstitute.sk
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