The use of dance in conjunction with positive psychology in adult training is very scarce and deep research has to be done to find Best Practices at the European level. Also mindfulness is becoming a key element in adult education. However, the information about the full potential of Mindfulness to develop skills is very fragmented, and the information about dance and mindfulness is also very limited. Furthermore, combining dance + mindfulness + positive psychology to develop creativity and leadership is a very innovative approach.
The objective was to find and identify best practices (BP) linking dance, mindfulness, and positive psychology in order to develop soft skills, creativity, and leadership skills as well as resilience and empathy through non-formal education activities and tools. The second aim was to find the possibilities of how to link such tools with the development of a consistent curriculum for the training course for trainers, teachers, dance companies, and providers of non-formal education. The project is prioritized for teachers and trainers dealing with adults with fewer opportunities, therefore selected BP (14 in total) are focused on the disadvantaged groups in the broad sense.
Target Group of IO1: Adult trainers. Dance groups involved in adult teaching. Entities providing non-formal training activities for adults. VET providers.
The document is available in 5 languages: English, Slovak, Greek, Polish, and Spanish